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Home Windows M365 (O365) cannot change password

M365 (O365) cannot change password

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Issue: You Cannot change password on M365 (O365) account.

Though user has login successfully when he tries to change his password, he receives a message that the old password is wrong !!!

Also you receive "Connected data source error: 8334" in Azure AD Connect


The Azure ADC Connect uses a user account named "MSOL_xxxxxxxxxxxx". If you have sub-domains syncing with Azure ADC Connect, this user must be a member of the "Domain Admins" in order password changes to write back (from M365 to your Active Directory).

Things you may also take care:

The user account does not have "Account Never Expires" set.

Set the policy "Minimum password age" to 0, in order to be able to make changes within the day.


Last Updated on Friday, 10 July 2020 09:13  
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