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Home Windows Low fps (30FPS or less) in gaming without reason

Low fps (30FPS or less) in gaming without reason

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This problem is occurred from a file called "dllhost.exe" . Run the task manager and check if this exe is running. If it is so, check the file location.

  The right file should be located in System32. If it's not there, then there's a possibility of being in C:\Users\"user account name"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Temp. That file in the temp folder seems to be a virus or so. Mine one has been created on 1-11-2013 (dd/mm/yyyy). Click "end task" on the task manager, then just delete it.

Thanks to MSI Afterburner I've noticed that the GPU usage was at 90% close without running anything. After that you couldn't run any DirectX and OpenGL application with the remaining GPU power and without fps drops (based on gtx 670 model).

Last Updated on Saturday, 09 November 2013 23:34  
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