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Home Hardware Oculus Rift Asynchronous Spacewarp Enable

Oculus Rift Asynchronous Spacewarp Enable

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19/12/2016 ARTICLE UPDATE: In latest Oculus drivers it is enabled by default! On-screen fps counters are going to show you 45 fps locked but in-oculus experience is going to provide 90 fps steady (if your computer can run it at 45 fps)

NOTE: The following procedure works currently only with NVidia GPUs. Oculus is about to enable this feature in the upcoming updates automatically.

Till last week GPUs had to keep up to 90 fps frames per second to run without dizziness problems while on Oculus. Asynchronous Spacewarp is an algorithm that examines every frame so that it reprojects "lost" frames when you're running under the previous limit of 90 fps, while comparing previous frames with next ones. This gives as the chance to work with less requirements and without dizziness problems, plus the ultra - smooth feeling, when having more than 45 fps.

Follow steps below to enable this feature:



1. Run regedit.exe
2. Open the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oculus VR, LLC\LibOVR
3. Create a new entry in LibOVR and call it: AswEnable
4. Set the value of the new entry to 1.
5. Exit regedit and give it a try. No reboot is necessary.

Last Updated on Monday, 19 December 2016 12:48  
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