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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Bad Textures FIX

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The fix has nothing to do with your hardware. Follow the steps below and you'll see the difference by yourself.

Game tested on i5 2500 combined with an EVGA GTX 970 4GB SC.

Go to the game's options/settings. 

Last Updated on Saturday, 17 January 2015 15:27

Xbox 360 Games don't start FIX

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Most people usually think that there's a problem with their CD Drive but follow the steps to make sure:

Put a movie in your Xbox 360 console. If it works, then your drive is working properly! If not, then you may have to change your drive, but whatever happens, try the following. If the problem is not solved then change your CD Drive.

Go to Settings -> System Settings -> Storage (and select your hard drive WITHOUT clicking on it!)

Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 January 2015 10:47

Internet Explorer not responding (even on running for the first time)

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Take into consideration that if it's not browser's problem, then there's 99% possibility that problem has started from an add-on! Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Start
  2. Go to All Programs
  3. Find folder named Accessories

Cannot Connect to https site with self signed certificate

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This is a recent behavior of IE 11.x , Chrome 39.x and Firefox 29.x

Maybe this applies to older versions too.

The developers of Internet Browsers decided that they will not let you connect to Sites with self signed certificates.

They will protect you either you like it or not!

Last Updated on Monday, 08 December 2014 15:27

Scrambled TMG Reports

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Running reports in Forefront TMG 2010 yields virtually unreadable reports no matter what browser or version of browser you use .

Last Updated on Monday, 02 May 2016 19:32

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